Starting on dbatools version 1.0.31 we introduced better coverage for commands that make use of PowerShell Remoting. Which commands? Commands like Get-DbaComputerCertificate, Get-DbaPrivilege, Get-DbaClientAlias, just to mention a few of them, make use of the internal function Invoke-Command2 which uses New-PSSession when we run it against a remote computer. “Why have you changed it?” Let me give you a little bit of background… At my company, I found that some dbatools commands were not working.

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I was using open source PowerShell module dbatools ( GitHub repository ) to get the list of SQL Server services I have on a bunch of hosts so I could confirm if they are in “running” state. – Quick note – For those who don’t know, dbatools is a module, written by the community, that makes SQL Server administration much easier using PowerShell. Today, the module has more than 260 commands.

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On my day to day work I use Nagios monitoring software. I want to add some custom SQL Server scripts to enrich the monitoring, and to accomplish this I will need to: Find a folder Create a sub folder Copy bunch of file edit a ini file to verify/add new entries all of this for every single host on my entire estate. Obviously (for me :-) ) I decided to use PowerShell!

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Cláudio Silva

Data Platform Architect and PowerShell lover.

Data Platform Architect
