Times have changed and Microsoft has changed the way we can contribute for documentation !

We already have access to the source code from some programs. One example is  PowerShell, that has an GitHub repository  where anyone can contribute!

Now anyone can contribute to the documentation too!

How and where?

If you haven’t seen before, now we have a pencil icon on the top right corner that makes possible to suggest a change.



When clicking on that pencil we will be redirected, in this case, to the MicrosoftDocs - sql-docs  repository on GitHub.

There, we need to fork the repository, make the changes and submit our suggestion by doing a pull request (PR). After that we just need to wait for some feedback from the Microsoft team that will review what we have submitted.

Start contributing

In the past, if you saw any errors on Microsoft documentation you could not help easily. But now we don’t have more excuses! If we want to contribute the process is much easier.

Have you overcome a not so common problem and have precious information to add to the documentation? Do you want to add another code example? Or have you “just” found a typo?

Just go ahead and submit a PR.