I’m currently working on a SQL code migration from Firebird to SQL Server and I hit an error that I haven’t seen for some time.

The error message is the following:

Msg 206, Level 16, State 2, Line 4 Operand type clash: datetime2 is incompatible with int

This ringed the bell right away! Somewhere on the code someone was trying to do an arithmetic calculation without using the proper function.

How so?

In the early days of my T-SQL coding, I used to do this a lot. Also, I still see some code from other applications that still use it this way. Take, for instance, the following code that returns all orders placed with more than 1 day old:

SELECT OrderId, ClientId, Quantity, OrderDate
FROM dbo.Orders
WHERE OrderDate < GETDATE() -1

For this example let’s say that the OrderDate column is a DATETIME2. This works just fine because the GETDATE() function returns a DATETIME value and thus we can subtract one day from it.

If we define a variable of DATETIME2 datatype and assign it a GETDATE() value, then attempt to subtract-1 from the variable, an error will yield!

SELECT OrderId, ClientId, Quantity, OrderDate
FROM dbo.Orders
WHERE OrderDate < @vOrderDate - 1

Msg 206, Level 16, State 2, Line 20 Operand type clash: datetime2 is incompatible with int

But it was working!?

Yes it was on the source engine (Firebird) and it will still work on the destination (SQLServer) if the datatype is still the same - DATETIME.

What happened here was the column datatype was changed during the schema migration from DATETIME to DATETIME2.

NOTE: The most recent date/time datatypes appeared with SQL Server 2008. They are DATE , TIME , DATETIME2 , DATETIMEOFFSET . Also, bear in mind that actually the DATETIME and SMALLDATETIME datatypes are the only from the date/time family that supports this arithmetic operations.

How to fix this error?

To solve this, we need to convert the

@vOrderDate  -1


DATEADD(dd, -1, @vOrderDate)

Whole code looks like:

SELECT OrderId, ClientId, Quantity, OrderDate
FROM dbo.Orders
WHERE OrderDate < DATEADD(dd, -1, @vOrderDate)

this way, it will work with DATETIME, DATETIME2, DATE, SMALLDATETIME and DATETIMEOFFSET datatypes.

NOTE: DATEADD also support TIME datatype, I didn’t mention because on our example we are subtracting DAYS, and as (at least I) expected this will give an error.

Wrap up

Are you thinking about changing your DATETIME columns to DATETIME2? Or are you just beginning to use it in your projects? Documentation encourages you to do so but as you could see from this post, you need to pay attention and do the proper testing and T-SQL code revision.

Thanks for reading.