Starting on 19th of July and during 3 days the Tuga IT 2018 Summer Edition will be happening in Lisbon! This edition will have: 4 full-day workshops 38 breakout sessions (1 hour) 5 deep dive sessions (2 hours) That is over 72 hours of content delivered by 44 awesome speakers, many of them recognized industry experts. You can see the full schedule here . This edition will have sessions about: Cloud, Data Platform, Development, Integration, IOT, Office, PowerShell and Security.

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If you have been reading my last blog posts, you know that I’m currently working on a SQL code migration from Firebird to SQL Server. The client provided the scripts with all modules (Stored Procedures, functions, etc) and the steps I’m following (roughly speaking) for converting are: Open new query window Copy and paste de object code Save the file This is how the file look like: Run a PowerShell script that does a find and replace based on a hashtable.

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In less than two weeks (on 16th June) it’s time for SQL Saturday Athens and I’m proud to announce that I will be speaking! This will be my first SQL Saturday ever both as speaker and attendee outside Portugal so I’m especially thrilled and excited to be part of it! I will be presenting my Administrate SSRS/PBIRS with PowerShell session and I can share in first hand that it will include new demos with some fixes and enhancements that will be available on the next version of the module later this week.

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This month’s T-SQL Tuesday is brought to us by Riley Major‏ ( b | t ) and he encourage us to talk about how we are helping by giving back to our community. This is the 102nd edition of TSQL2sDay - an Adam Machanic’s ( b | t ) brainchild. “Let’s go back for a moment:” I have heard about SQL Server the first time back in 2003 when I was on the high school and I had a database class.

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I’m converting some Firebird database code to T-SQL and I’m seeing a lot of code that doesn’t work in the same way that SQL Server. No surprise - I already expected that but for those that still say that “all engines/databases are equal”…“is SQL right?” here is another proof that is not true. On Firebird it is possible to use the CAST function using a DOMAIN (the equivalent in SQLServer is UDDT - User-Defined Data Types ) as target data-type, well turns out that on SQL Server…that is not possible.

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Cláudio Silva

Data Platform Architect and PowerShell lover.

Data Platform Architect
