Whether it’s in our personal lives or the professional one, we do have checklists for certain tasks.

On the professional level, it can be purely technical like SQL Server installation, configuration or even uninstall, but they can also be not so technical like when a colleague join the team and someone needs to request permissions to access the company’s tools (such as ticketing/incidents/VPN/etc).

What about when a colleague leaves the company?

What is your checklist for this situation? At first, and the most obvious is to “rollback” the things done when that person joined the company. For instance:

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This was initial posted on SQL Server Central articles .

As one of dbatools’ first members, I’ve been using it for years and it’s really my goto tool. This task was no different!

Today’s tip and trick using dbatools is about generating an Excel workbook that contains lists of SQL Server roles and its members.

The Usefulness of these Reports

These reports are especially useful when performing tech-refreshes (migrating from an old version to a newer one) and you want to do some housekeeping. For example, finding logins that should be part of a role and they are not. Once you know there are problems, you decided to do a double-check on the whole list.

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Continuing to share tips and tricks using dbatools like the Refresh databases that belongs to availability group using dbatools posted a few days ago, today I will share a way to export the permissions of a login/user at instance/database level and apply them to a new login/user.

The typical request

Client: “We have a new colleague, can you please grant them the exact same permissions I have?!”

A quick note/suggestion that may help minimize your work: If we are talking about a Windows Login, please suggest the use of AD groups to help you (so that you don’t need to do this process) and also them (they don’t need to make this request).

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