Few days ago I was surfing on Twitter when dbatools asked about how it’s PowerShell module changed the way people work .

Open and check the answers given by the community as there is really good stuff there!

My turn

I have shared one of my recipes related to database refreshes. You know, when the client says, “please restore this backup or the most recent backup on our instance.”. But what if the databases belong to an availability group? It’s not as simple as a standalone installation.

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The idea of this blog post, like many others I write, is to document a workaround solution to my problem. Hopefully I can also help someone that may be looking for the solution for this problem and stumbles accidentally (or not) on my blog.


I was helping a colleague automating the creation of emails using Microsoft Outlook using PowerShell. The following are configurable options (these will be the parameters of the script):

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There are some actions that we know that will have to be repeated from time to time, but the surprise comes when it’s time to do so and the process that used to work does not work anymore.

This is a short post to document a slight change that I had to do to achieve the same final result as the first time.

Long story short

A client needed to run a setup to install an application. This setup uses a utility called minisql.exe to test database connection. The problem is that this utility only works with TLS 1.0/1.1 and, on our systems, we only have TLS 1.2 enabled.

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Starting on dbatools version 1.0.31 we introduced better coverage for commands that make use of PowerShell Remoting.

Which commands?

Commands like Get-DbaComputerCertificate, Get-DbaPrivilege, Get-DbaClientAlias, just to mention a few of them, make use of the internal function Invoke-Command2 which uses New-PSSession when we run it against a remote computer.

“Why have you changed it?”

Let me give you a little bit of background… At my company, I found that some dbatools commands were not working. They were returning errors related with WinRM configurations, as seen here when attempting to create a new session using New-PSSession: new-pssession_error

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Dear reader, before continue please open a PowerShell console and run the following command:

Install-Module -Name dbatools

If you are doing this on the date of this blog post, you have just installed dbatools v1.0!

After more than 200 commits, the work of more than 20 contributors and 20 days since the last published version, dbatools v1.0 is live!

To all of you that have contributed direct or indirectly to the module a big thank you!

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