
In less than two weeks (on 16th June) it’s time for SQL Saturday Athens and I’m proud to announce that I will be speaking!

This will be my first SQL Saturday ever both as speaker and attendee outside Portugal so I’m especially thrilled and excited to be part of it!

I will be presenting my Administrate SSRS/PBIRS with PowerShell session and I can share in first hand that it will include new demos with some fixes and enhancements that will be available on the next version of the module later this week.

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This month’s T-SQL Tuesday is brought to us by Riley Major‏ ( b | t ) and he encourage us to talk about how we are helping by giving back to our community.

This is the 102nd edition of TSQL2sDay - an Adam Machanic’s ( b | t ) brainchild.

“Let’s go back for a moment:”

I have heard about SQL Server the first time back in 2003 when I was on the high school and I had a database class. Was a slow start and, at that moment I haven’t imagined that would follow that path professionally.

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On one of the last clients I have worked, I have implemented dbachecks in order to get the state of art and know how cool or bad the environments are before start knocking down the bad practices.

This client has seven different environments with more than 100 instances and more than 2000 databases.

Serial execution

A non-parallel execution (single session) took more than 2 hours. This is not a big problem when we run it out of hours and we don’t want/need to be looking or waiting for it to finish. I set up it to run at 6 in the morning and when I arrive at the office I can refresh the Power BI dashboard a get a recent state of art.

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dbachecks has seen the light about two months ago. As I’m writing this blog post, the module counts with more than 2600 downloads just from the PowerShell gallery . The module has about 110 configurable checks that make our live easier!

Today I will write about an option that I think users still do not realize that exists.

The default

dbachecks works with the values previously saved (for that we use Set-DbcConfig). This means that when we start a new session and the last session has changed any configuration, that configuration is now, by default, the one that will be used in the new session.

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Every now and again I see some people complaining about not getting the properties they want when using a PowerShell command.

For instance, someone was using the Get-Service command to query what was the “Startup Type” of WinRM service . For that the person used the following command:

Get-Service WinRM

which produces the following output: 01_getservice_winrm

As you can see, the “Startup Type” property that we can find on the user interface does not appear here!

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