Like the blog post title states this is all about sharing with others! My idea is to share with the community which PowerShell modules you are using.

Let me introduce to you the PowerShell Modules Central

PowerShellModulesCentral is a GitHub repository that was founded as a central hub to a list of PowerShell modules that people know/use. Each module has a file describing its name, basic information about the module, as well as one or more blog posts/videos from people that have written about or used them.

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Last week I was talking with Constantine Kokkinos ( b | t ) about generating a Table Of Contents (TOC) for a GitHub repository.

He wrote a cool blog post - Generating Tables of Contents for Github Projects with PowerShell - about it and I will write this one with a different problem/solution.


I’m working on a new project (news coming soon) that uses a GitHub repository and I expect to have a big number of files within a specific folder.

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I’m working on a environment where I have to deal with multiple domains. The user’s password needs to be updated each 40/45 days (it depends on the domain).

Can you see the pain?

This means that every month and half I have to dedicate like 20 minutes to change my password on 10 different domains by logging in to a host that belongs to that domain to be able to change it.

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This month’s T-SQL Tuesday is brought to us by my good friend Rob Sewell ( b | t ). Together “Let’s get all Posh – What are you going to automate today?”

I have written some blog posts on how I use PowerShell to automate mundane tasks or some other more complex scenarios like:   Find and fix SQL Server databases with empty owner property using dbatools PowerShell module  or Have you backed up your SQL Logins today?   or even using ReportingServicesTools module for deploy reports - SSRS Report Deployment Made Easy – 700 times Faster .

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I was using open source PowerShell module dbatools ( GitHub repository ) to get the list of SQL Server services I have on a bunch of hosts so I could confirm if they are in “running” state.

– Quick note – For those who don’t know, dbatools is a module, written by the community, that makes SQL Server administration much easier using PowerShell. Today, the module has more than 260 commands. Go get it and try it! If you have any doubt you can join the team on the #dbatools channel at the Slack - SQL Server Community . – Quick note –

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