On my day to day work I use Nagios monitoring software. I want to add some custom SQL Server scripts to enrich the monitoring, and to accomplish this I will need to:

  • Find a folder
  • Create a sub folder
  • Copy bunch of file
  • edit a ini file to verify/add new entries

all of this for every single host on my entire estate. Obviously (for me :-) ) I decided to use PowerShell!

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On my last article I shared how we can now Contribute to Microsoft Documentation . Today I bring another quick tip on Microsoft Documentation!

Download Microsoft Documentation

Did you know that we can download PDF files with Microsoft Documentation? I did not know until my colleague called my attention to it few days ago.

Important note: This tip is not (yet?) available for all Microsoft’s product suite. You should confirm if this tip applies to the product you need.

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Which better way could I have to launch my blog if not with great news ?!

I am so happy and excited to announce that I will be speaking at  PowerShell Conference Asia  in Singapore!

On 28th of October I will be presenting two sessions with the following titles:

  • Next step to your script…turn it into an Advanced Function
  • SQLServer Reporting Services administration new best friend - PowerShell

Also, on 26th there will be 2 precon:

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