One of the good things, when we have new clients, is that sometimes they have needs that you never heard before. This does not necessarily mean that they are complex. As a matter of fact, they can be really the question is..are they doable? :-)

From my experience, this can happen mainly because one of two reasons, they have some very specific need, or because the way the application is built will make you work with features that you haven’t played yet.

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If you have been reading my last blog posts, you know that I’m currently working on a SQL code migration from Firebird to SQL Server.

The client provided the scripts with all modules (Stored Procedures, functions, etc) and the steps I’m following (roughly speaking) for converting are:

  • Open new query window
  • Copy and paste de object code
  • Save the file This is how the file look like: savedwithdefaultencoding_ansi1
  • Run a PowerShell script that does a find and replace based on a hashtable. Apply all the changes and save the file again.
  • The file refresh on SSMS This is how the file look like after the find and replace: afterfindreplacepowershellandsaveasutf81
  • Unicode characters are broken :-(

So…what is happening?

The file that is used to create a new query window has ANSI encoding but when I save the file on the PowerShell script I save it as UTF-8 because the client have comments on the code with unicode characters.

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