At the beginning of this week, I shared how you can Search for queries with Query Store GUI .

Today I want to share something, Query Store related, that bugged me for awhile and a workaround to overcome it.

NOTE: This happens at least until SSMS v19.3 (most recent version of SSMS at the time of this writing). Let’s see what newer versions bring us.

Multiple instances of the same dashboard

When you navigate through Query Store dashboards, it can become handy open two instances of the same dashboard but with a different time range, or different aggreagations or even a different metric so you can do a quick compare.

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Hey folks, long time no write!

Today I want to bring a tip that I use every week but I found that most SSMS users are unaware it exists.
I can understand why! At the moment this isn’t the most obvious and user-friendly option. However, it can and hopefully it will improve in the future.

“But…What is it?”

I’m talking about using the Query Store GUI to search for some portion of text used in a T-SQL query and, with that, find a query that you want to analyze within it.

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Just a quick post as may help any of you searching for this.


Client wants to analyze most recent deadlocks that happened on a specific instance. They asked us to send the xdl files.

How do we get the deadlocks?

Depending on the version of SQL Server that you are running, there are different ways to do it. In this post I will share how you can do it from all files that belongs to the system_health extended event session. (Not only the current file). This works on SQL Server 2012 or higher version. For a better overview I recommend you to read the What are SQL Server deadlocks and how to monitor them article from SQLShack.

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Disclaimer: The title is my assumption because I saw it in the past happening this way.

This blog post aims to make you remember something: something that is obvious to you, might not be obvious to others.


A client has a process which consists of a stored procedure that wraps a bunch of other stored procedures. The process runs for about 10 hours.

Taking a look…what is running right now?

I was curious about the process, I’ve seen this running before but never explored the code. After a couple of days of seeing it running for so long, I decided to see what would be the random query I would get executing.

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On one of the last clients I have worked, I have implemented dbachecks in order to get the state of art and know how cool or bad the environments are before start knocking down the bad practices.

This client has seven different environments with more than 100 instances and more than 2000 databases.

Serial execution

A non-parallel execution (single session) took more than 2 hours. This is not a big problem when we run it out of hours and we don’t want/need to be looking or waiting for it to finish. I set up it to run at 6 in the morning and when I arrive at the office I can refresh the Power BI dashboard a get a recent state of art.

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